The academic training I completed in Animal Physiology at the University of Yaoundé I (Cameroon, 2017) and the international research experience I gained from my Postdoctoral research position at the Institute Pasteur of Shanghai (China) – a top ranking research institute from the Chinese Academy of Science (2018 – 2020)- confers me a multipotential and multidisciplinary basis in biology that found important applications in my actual research.
For my PhD thesis, I evaluated the effects of medicinal plants from the Cameroonian traditional medicine on different models of erectile dysfunction and benign prostatic hyperplasia induced in male rat. I gained expertise in drug testing in animals models and I developed novel animal models to evaluate the mechanism of action of our traditional medicine products. Thereafter I completed a 2-years postdoc in China where I trained in molecular virology and immunology, using primary cell lines and transgenic mice to developed novel models of liver diseases (Chronic Hepatitis B, Hepatocarcinoma, Cholangitis).
Actually my interests focuses on the development of a comprehensive strategy incorporating metabolomics-related assays, to understand immuno-metabolic pathways involved in the host/parasite interactions and their associated tissue pathology during helminth infections. I currently , held the position of Postdoctoral Researcher in the Laboratory of Immunobiology and Helminth Infections headed by Dr Justin Nono Komguep and awarded for various projects by Merck and Glasgow Polyomics from University of Glasgow.
Founder of Ongola Science Community (OSC), a non-profit association of Young Cameroonian Biological Scientists from Diaspora, willing to share their skills and knowledge for the purpose of enhancing students curriculum and practical skills. A mentoring community engage to promote Science education and provoke the increase of female participation in scientific areas. Happily, I newly get a tenure position at the University of Bamenda (Cameroon) in the Faculty of Science where I am eager to engage and extend my scientific niche. Actualy I am very enthusiast about my actual postdoc in Cameroon, well designed to enhance my ability to be an independent investigator by outlining a set of career development activities and workshops–e.g. grant writing, public speaking, lab management, and mentoring students. The new conceptual and technical training provided at the IBHI’s lab give me the opportunity to upgrade my curriculum and join the select community of Metabolomics experts in Africa.